CNG: Social Media Webinar


Getting the Most Mileage Out of Your Social Media Content
January 21, 2021

Examity is proud to announce its sponsorship of the Certification Network Group’s webinar on January 21 from 10 AM to 12 PM EST. Examity’s very own VP of Marketing, Sarah Pauling, will also be speaking about what it means to create a good candidate experience, with a focus on test-taker preparation and communication, ease of use, and robust 24/7 support. Be sure to register and tune in!

About CNG’s Webinar
CNG, or Certification Network Group serves as a force of excellence in the progressive development of credentialing professionals. In this webinar, CNG aims to help busy people increase their presence on social media. Most businesses have two things in common: A great product they want to share with the world and not enough time to create the marketing content needed to get their message out. Creating a solid strategic plan will help you prioritize what content to put where, but at the end of the day, wouldn’t you really just like to have more content to publish?